Main Page
DIGIMAT Digital Learning Platform - Knowledge Base
DIGIMAT Digital Library OS is a customized Linux Operating System integrated with several popular Free/Open Source Software for
creation and setting up Digital Library, Digital Learning Platform in Educational Institutions, Business and Government Organizations.
[hide]- 1 DIGIMAT - NPTEL Video Streaming and Learning Platform
- 2 DIGIMAT - Who uses DIGIMAT Digital Learning Platform
- 3 DIGIMAT - Who uses DIGIMAT Digital Library OS
- 4 DIGIMAT - Subjects Linked with NPTEL Video Courses
- 5 DIGIMAT - What users say about DIGIMAT Digital Learning Platform
- 6 DIGIMAT - How to BUY DIGIMAT Digital Library OS
- 7 MOODLE - Learning Management System
- 8 DSpace - Institutional Repository
- 9 e-Prints - Repository Software
- 10 Greenstone - Digital Library Software
- 11 Koha - Integrated Library System
- 12 LimeSurvey - Professional Online Surveys and Assessments
- 13 MediaWiki - Open source Wiki Software
- 14 phpBB - Free and Open Source Forum Software
- 15 Wordpress - Create your Own Blog
- 16 Drupal - Open source Content Management System
- 17 OTRS - Open Ticket Request System
- 18 GNU MediaGoblin - Platform for hosting and sharing Digital media
- 19 Network Configuration (DHCP / Static IP)
- 20 User creation in DIGIMAT Digital Library OS
- 21 Squirrelmail Webmail Access
- 22 DNS (Domain Name System) Configuration using BIND
- 23 File Sharing between DIGIMAT OS and Windows OS
- 24 How to Login into Freenode IRC Server and participate in discussions
DIGIMAT - NPTEL Video Streaming and Learning Platform
- The HTML-5 and QR Code based interface for Streaming 41,500+ NPTEL Video Lectures in LAN and Mobile Devices (YouTube Edition).
(Very highly useful for NPTEL-SWAYAM Local Chapter Colleges.)
DIGIMAT - Who uses DIGIMAT Digital Learning Platform
- List of some of the top most institutions in India using DIGIMAT Digital Learning Platform (Local Edition)
DIGIMAT - Who uses DIGIMAT Digital Library OS
- Educational Institutions and Individuals using DIGIMAT Digital Library OS
DIGIMAT - Subjects Linked with NPTEL Video Courses
- NPTEL video courses Linked to Subjects (for various Affiliating Universities and Autonomous Institutions in India)
DIGIMAT - What users say about DIGIMAT Digital Learning Platform
- Read what users say about DIGIMAT Digital Learning Platform
DIGIMAT - How to BUY DIGIMAT Digital Library OS
- Purchase DIGIMAT Digital Library OS through Instamojo online store
MOODLE - Learning Management System
- Moodle is a learning platform designed to provide educators, administrators and learners with a single robust,
secure and integrated system to create personalised learning environments
DSpace - Institutional Repository
- The software of choice for academic, non-profit and commercial organizations building open digital repositories
e-Prints - Repository Software
- EPrints is a free and open-source software package for building open access repositories
Greenstone - Digital Library Software
- Greenstone is a suite of software for building and distributing digital library collections
Koha - Integrated Library System
- Koha is an open source Integrated Library System (ILS), used world-wide by public, school and special libraries
LimeSurvey - Professional Online Surveys and Assessments
- LimeSurvey is a free and open source online statistical survey web application written in PHP based on a MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL database
MediaWiki - Open source Wiki Software
- MediaWiki is a free and open source software wiki package written in PHP, originally for use on Wikipedia
phpBB - Free and Open Source Forum Software
- phpBB is free and open source forum software that is easy to use, powerful and highly customisable
Wordpress - Create your Own Blog
- WordPress is a free and open-source Content Management System (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL
Drupal - Open source Content Management System
- Drupal is a free and open source content-management framework written in PHP
OTRS - Open Ticket Request System
- OTRS Community Edition - Open Source Help Desk Software for IT Service Management (ITSM), Time Accounting and System Monitoring
GNU MediaGoblin - Platform for hosting and sharing Digital media
- GNU MediaGoblin is a free, decentralized Web platform for hosting and sharing many forms of digital media
Network Configuration (DHCP / Static IP)
- The Network Administration Tool allows you to specify the way your system connects to other computers and to internet.
User creation in DIGIMAT Digital Library OS
- The Users Administration Tool allows you add, delete and modify the existing users and groups in your system.
Squirrelmail Webmail Access
- SquirrelMail is a standards-based webmail package written in PHP. It includes built-in pure PHP support for the IMAP and SMTP protocols
DNS (Domain Name System) Configuration using BIND
- BIND (Berkely Internet Name Domain) is a popular software for translating domain names into IP addresses and usually found on Linux servers
File Sharing between DIGIMAT OS and Windows OS
- Samba is the standard Windows interoperability suite of programs for Linux and Unix.
How to Login into Freenode IRC Server and participate in discussions
- How to Login into Freenode IRC server and participate in discussions