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  1. **Book Marketing Services For Small Publishers and Authors**

If you're looking to market your book project, you're not alone. A wide variety of [book writing online]( services are available, from traditional publishing to social media. In addition to the usual book promotion services, some companies also offer media relations and custom marketing solutions. These services are available from companies that specialize in marketing small publishers and authors.

    1. ****Combined Book Exhibit****

The Combined Book Exhibit is [speech writing services](  that exhibits your book at major book fairs across the country. Their displays bring your work in front of thousands of book buyers, librarians, and agents. The company's National Show Exhibit package offers national publicity for your book, including a place in the show, placement in the exhibit catalogue, and an extensive online database. In addition, they send a press release to key online publications.

When you register with Combined Book Exhibit, you are responsible for providing accurate information and agreeing to the terms and conditions. You must keep the information updated, including the ISBN and cover images. Marketing companies and resellers are also responsible for updating information on the books they sell.

    1. ****Seacoast Press****

Seacoast Press is a leading book publishing company that offers a comprehensive range of [ebook ghostwriting services]( The company has a proven track record of helping writers become bestselling authors on Amazon, as well as offering book financing options to aspiring authors. Its unique approach to book marketing means that authors keep 100% of all royalties and retain the rights to their book. What's more, authors don't need to work through a literary agent to work with Seacoast Press.

The [book marketing services]( from Seacoast Press can include the creation of an effective book cover and a professional interior layout. For the best results, you should choose a custom design instead of a pre-designed template. Another key factor in successful book marketing is book category placement. It is important to choose relevant book categories to increase your book's visibility online. If you're unsure about which categories your book should fall into, you can ask your publisher to help you navigate this process.

    1. ****Author Marketing Experts****

Author Marketing Experts is a San Diego-based marketing company that works with aspiring and traditional authors alike to achieve their marketing goals. Their services include developing custom marketing plans and custom marketing materials. In addition to providing book marketing strategies, they also provide a range of services, including social media marketing, media relations, events, and digital marketing.

Author Marketing Experts works with authors to develop a marketing strategy and publicity campaign that will help them establish their brand and increase book sales. Their services include creating engaging ads, media outreach, and social media planning.

    1. ****Jane Wesman Public Relations****

Jane Wesman Public Relations is a [write my book]( full-service publicity firm in New York City focused on the book publishing industry. Founded in 1980, the company has worked with many bestselling authors and thought leaders. The firm's team offers customized solutions that target your specific audience. 

Jane Wesman Public Relations is a full-service New York City PR firm that promotes bestselling authors, including Spencer Johnson and Charles Schwab. The firm also offers brand positioning and online campaigns for a variety of clients. The firm is experienced in promoting all genres of books.

    1. ****Palmetto Publishing****

Palmetto Publishing offers book marketing services to authors that include author website development and distribution, press release writing, and social media management. Using Palmetto's network of 780,000 media contacts, the company can help authors reach their target audience. It also offers a customizable author website that helps increase your readership, gain followers, and maintain a community of online users. These [ebook writing services]( include social media campaigns, newsletter programs, and television interviews.

Authors can choose from multiple book cover and interior design options. The experts at Palmetto will make your book look its best. Authors can also choose between electronic and print book publication. While print books cost more to publish, they are still a popular choice. Studies show that 30% of American adults read e-books. Authors who choose to publish in print can distribute their books to major book retailers.

    1. ****Scribe Media****

Scribe Media provides a range of [autobiography writing services]( for authors and publishers. Its services include editing, writing, designing, publishing, and book marketing. It was previously known as Book in a Box but has since changed its name to Scribe Media. The two companies offer similar services, but differ in approach.

Scribe Media works with many big names in the book industry. They have worked with New York Times Bestselling authors such as David Goggins, and Robin Farmanfarmaian. The latter is a real life survivor who underwent 43 hospitalizations, six major surgeries, and three organs removed at a young age.